Election Sweepstake
About This Site
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Terms and Conditions


By using this website, you agree to these terms:


This Websites Intended Purpose:


This website is intended to facilitate games between friends based on speculation on the outcome of elections. 


Your use of this site:


You will not use this website for any purposes except that which it is intended for. You will not submit any offensive, profane or illegal (under UK law) information to this site. Any personal information you submit to this website (email addresses for example) will be your own.




No responsibility is taken for the correctness of information displayed on the site, including election results.

While every effort will be taken to ensure that the information on this website is correct, you view and use the information at your own risk. You agree to use the information only for the websites intended purpose.


Your Information:


While every effort will be taken to ensure that your information is kept private and only used for the purposes intended, you submit your information to this website at your own risk.


Your information will be used only for the purposes outlined above.


The only personal information which is required to be correct is the email address for your account. It must be your email address which you have access to. Your account will not function without a correct email address. The rest of the information you submit, including your name can be anything you want. You do not have to use your real name.


You can view how your information will be used in the privacy policy.