Election Sweepstake
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This site does not use tracking cookies. There is no advertising on the site. Your information will not be provided by this site or it's administrator to any third parties. Your information and your participants information will be used only for the provision of the functionality of the site as described in the terms and conditions. The exception to this rule is that at after each election, all of the predictions in all of the games will be aggregated to produce one prediction. If the result is sufficiently interesting, this prediction may be published. This is the only circumstance in which your information will be used for any purpose that does not relate directly to providing the sites functionality.


The only personally identifying information which you are required to provide, your email address, will be used to facilitate logging in and setting or resetting your password. You may also receive communications from the website administrator regarding issues related to the site and / or it's functionality. There are no other circumstances in which your email address will be used.


You can request that your account be deleted via the contact form. When your account is deleted, all of the information relating to you, your games and your game participants will be erased permantly.